Fly Fishing: Instruction and Guiding
on The Yellow Breeches

Fly fishing guiding and instruction on the Yellow Breeches may are or may not be necessary. Most fly anglers who want the learn the best methods and techniques probably should use a guide the first time. The Yellow Breeches is not a hard stream to fish as compared to The Letort or Big Spring.  However, on any given day it can be nightmare because there are so many fly anglers. Too many of these fly anglers lack proper instruction in fly fishing and will often step in front of people without even acknowledging anyone.  Because of this fishing can get tense and I have seen some really nasty arguments that almost came to blows on the stream in the last few years. Unfortunately, this is the nature of the "beast" on this stream.

On some days the trout will hit in spite of the pressure but on many days it actually depends on your location in the stream.  When Boiling Spring Lake empties into the stream it sends cold-water down the one side of the stream. This changes this section of the Breeches to a spring creek  for a distance. In fact, it influences the Yellow Breeches for over 1.5 miles or more of this stream. Many other areas of the Breeches at this time of the year are actually piss warm and not worth fishing. This water flowing against the one bank allows trout even on the hottest days of summer to survive and for anglers to fish for them.  In the winter time it allows for the most part a spring creek sanctuary for the fish who feed all year as compared to the trout in many sections of the stream that put up with more "freestone" type temperature conditions.

Sportsmanship is sometimes left behind when anglers enter the water.  Some fly fisherman just can't handle this "convention" type fishing while others ignore it. The secrets to fishing the Yellow Breeches on any given day depends on a multitude of factors including the time of day, fishing pressure, fly selection and the season.  When you fish the Breeches you should be planning on staying for more than a few hours.  This will give you a chance to get into an advantageous spot if someone leaves.  The trout move around quite a bit in this stream because many fly fisherman wade where they should be fishing, and fish where they should be wading.

There are number of strategies that sometime work when all else fails.  Unfortunately, I keep these for my clients and would prefer to give details only then rather than to the millions of websites of dubious fly fishing heritage.  Also, there are methods which work best at one season of the year and not the others. However, for a good all around check Best Fly Fishing Methods for the Yellow Breeches.

Many people may not need a guide on this stream if you just want to fish. However, if you want to learn the methods, techniques and fly patterns that will give long term success on such a stream then I think I am definitely worth your time and money.  Whatever, the case including if you just need some info please feel free to contact me below. Remember when you fish with me you get a professional fly fisherman and an aquatic scientist too. Also stop by for my podcasts on the Yellow Breeches stream conditions which are updated frequently.


Yellow Breeches Info Instruction Guiding
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Thru October


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● Yellow Breeches Creek
● Fly Fishing Instruction and Guiding
● How to Fish the Yellow Breeches
● Fly Hatches on Yellow Breeches Creek
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